As a committed advocate for the most vulnerable members of our community, I want to reassure all residents that my past decisions and current platform strongly support the continuation of the City of Greater Dandenong’s vital Aged and Disability Care Service program. There is no plan to change the council’s delivery of these essential services. Any future decision on the continuation or modification of these services will be made by a new council, of which I am a candidate.
No candidate for council can guarantee that any service will be provided indefinitely, as all services of council are subject to periodic review. Councillors are required to consider all new information and evidence up to the point of making any decision.
Further, while candidates may make pledges during their campaigns, once elected, councillors must vote on proposals with an open mind, considering the most current evidence available. Promising to vote a particular way without regard to new information or evidence could be seen as contravening the Local Government Act 2020, which mandates that councillors make informed and balanced decisions in the best interests of the community.
I understand the critical importance of aged care services to our community, and if re-elected, I will work diligently with my fellow councillors and relevant stakeholders to ensure that any future decisions are made with the best interests of our residents at heart.
Rather than seeking election promises from councillors who are running for re-election, I suggest that electors consider a councillor’s past decision-making history as an indication of how they may approach future resolutions if re-elected.
Motion passed at council meeting – 25 March 2024

Further reading: