Council meeting 25 November 2019

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These are brief notes from the council meeting taken by myself quickly, are my interpretation, and not an official record of the council meeting.

Mayor Cr Jim Memeti thanked Cr Angela Long for her service. Her service to the indigenous community, community groups. Cr Memeti thanked Angela’s husband, Barry for his support of Angela.

Petitions and Joint Letters

Cr Kirwan asked about the petition regarding the trail network.

The officer said that officers had made contact with the lead petitioner. Council will be considering a number of projects from the plan, alongside road reconstruction. The officer said that council should continue its advocacy to Victorian Government for a funding contribution. The officer said that the 20/21 council budget may contain items relating to the plan.

Town Planning Application – No. 5 Riverend Road, Bangholme (Planning Application No. PLN19/0462)

Cr Angela Long moved an alternate motion. Cr Long summarised that the alternate is to grant the permit with different conditions (see details in meeting minutes). Cr Long thanked councillors for their unanimous support. Cr Long said that this is a water park, it provides a safe environment for families. It also has disability friendly equipment and activities.

Town Planning Application – No. 41 Imagine Way (formally known as 16 Jayco Drive) Dandenong South (Planning Application No. PLN17/0424.02)

Cr Brown questioned why this permit is only 6 times a year and not more frequent?

The officer replied that only 6 times a year was applied for.

Question time – public

The CEO read the question:

What are the development plans for the Sandown Park car park are? The questioner said that there are currently pools of water in the existing carpark. The questioner wanted further details on the plans for the car park. There is some information on the VicTrack website.

The relevant officer replied that there is currently a planning application regarding an upgrade of Sandown Station car park with 484 car spaces. In addition, it proposed a new car park on Lightwood Rd of 116 car spaces. They will include lighting, signage, CCTV and internal pathways. Expected to be completed by June 2020.

Planning Scheme Amendment – C223 Realignment of Urban Floodway Zone and Industrial 1 Zone Boundaries 1626-1638 Centre Road, Springvale

Cr Kirwan asked for a summary including flood risk assessment.

The officer said that the Minister for Planning for a rezoning of land from an industrial zone to urban floodway zone. This has occurred Melbourne Water data regarding potential flooding.

Public Car Share Policy

This is a new policy.

Cr Kirwan said that car sharing is when people can rent cars for a limited period, usually booked with a smartphone app or online. Example car providers are GoGet and FlexiCar. This reduced congestion due to fewer cars needing to be parked on-street. It reduces emissions as the cars are more likely to be zero-emission. Currently, share cars have the greatest demand around hotels and apartment buildings. Dandenong activity centre.

Angst about on-street parking and traffic. Inefficient use of space.

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Policy

This is a new policy.

Cr Dark asked whether CGD will absorb costs for the conversion. Cr Dark asked about cost modelling. The officer said that modelling hasn’t been done. The officer said that the first few examples will provide a guide on this.

Cr Dark asked what a regular car space costs the council. The officer said that this could be provided at some time.

Cr Kirwan said that the policy covers a number of areas. Cr Kirwan says that the actual implementation will need to be handled through the budget process. Cr Kirwan thanks the officers for their work.

Options for Improving Safety and Residential Amenity in the Vicinity of Dandenong North Primary School

Cr Kirwan said that the report may be frustrating to residents, as it says that we don’t need much action regarding this. Cr Kirwan said a large number of households replied to the survey. Cr Kirwan respects the officers’ recommendation that no extra infrastructure is required at this time.

Community Environment Centre – Implementation Report

Cr Kirwan said that this has been a long discussion, but it has arrived at a feasible endpoint. The conclusion that all came to was the same. A dedicated environment centre would have just been preaching to the converted. The recommendation to construct a mobile trailer is a more affordable and effective option that will reach a much broader audience. Cr Kirwan thanked council staff and the sustainability environment committee

Cr Dark queried the students from Shanghai request to visit CGD and how it will be handled. The officer said we will look into it.

Cr Dark queried the correspondence from the Dandenong Market customer. The officer said that they will report back.

Notice of Motion No. 74 – Noble Park Community Centre

Cr Dark asked for an amendment to change the date for the report to February 2020. The officer agreed with this.

Cr Dark thanked colleagues. Cr Dark said due to media coverage, audits that he believes that we need to see if all options are being considered and that other centres may be similarly affected. Stemming from this report, Cr Dark said that other centres could benefit from advice.

Reports from councillors/delegates and councillors’ questions

Cr Chea

Cr Chea attended Greater Dandenong Chamber of Commerce fundraiser to support children in Cambodia.

Cr Kirwan


Social housing and homelessness. Greater Dandenong has the highest homelessness in the state. Cr Kirwan gave some statistics regarding this. Cr Kirwan asked what is planned in the homelessness policy area?

The officer replied that quite a bit had happened in the last 12 months, and listed many events that council had contributed to. Council has now advocated for an increase in NewStart allowance. In 2020, council will send a request with rates notices to ask for assistance to homeless people. The officer replied that council will have programs to increase community awareness of homelessness.


Cr Kirwan asked a question regarding waste. The City of Wyndham Council found that migrants are confused by recycling and created an information campaign. Some community leaders volunteered to have their bin audited to get feedback. One point of feedback was that the community leaders were placing items in the recycling in plastic bags, which is not conducive to recycling. The officer said that council will make contact with City of Wyndham Council to find out about their program and see how it could apply to Greater Dandenong City Council.

Cr Kirwan also said that similar multicultural councils have more waste education officers than we do. The officer said that the Greater Dandenong City Council program is done jointly with our waste contractors and inspections are done by casual hire staff. Council also targets multi-dwelling sites for education programs. While we may have less waste education officers, our program is broader.

Cr Kirwan asked for some data on this to compare us to Monash and Casey.

Cr Kirwan asked about extending the hours at Dandenong and Springvale libraries, particularly extending the hours to open earlier on Sunday mornings. Also the possibility of opening on Saturday and Sunday nights. Cr Kirwan asked when the report will come to councillors, and when the results of the consultation will be known. Cr Kirwan asked how will we determine the demand for extended hours. The officer said that based on community feedback, the options have been costed and will be brought to councillors. The officer said that the libraries after dark will be starting, sponsored by gambling awareness, and this will mean that libraries will be open some nights at 10pm.

Cr Long

Cr Long listed events attended, road safety meeting, zipping classic race day meeting Sandown, sustainability awards, walk against family violence, 100th anniversary of Dandenong High School.

Cr Melhem

Cr Melhem asked about the resurfacing of Dorset road, Outlook Drive. When will it get done? The officer said that he will get back to Cr Melhem.

Cr Melhem said that there have been a lot of roadworks. Cr Melhem questioned the method – why are only short sections of road done at at time. The officer said that pothole assessment, or that contractors are only done for larger works.

Cr Sampey

Cr Sampey attended Malesi Club, Disability advisory committee, and a fundraiser for William Angliss hospital.

Cr Sampey asked about kerbing and channelling and protection bonds. She mentioned a particular applicant was required to grow grass on a small area, and council was holding the bond back because of this. The officer said that he will look into it.

Cr Tan

Attended sustainability awards in Dandenong, good to see that our community is on the right track; with Cr long the walk against family violence; SE community links AGM,

Springvale and District Historical Society AGM. Cr Tan asked about whether entrants to the new Springvale library will be required to have a working with children card.

Sichuan temple Sunday school concern. Dancing, keep culture.

SEMVAC multicultural concert that raised funds for the bushfire appeal.

Question: dumped rubbish on road. What is our strategy to reduce dumped rubbish on the road? The officer replied that this is one of the biggest issues. The officer replied that he will email councillors regarding the strategy.

Cr Dark

Cr Dark said that he’s been quite busy. Attended Alex Wilkie Reserve sustainability centre opening and Springvale Steamers (been there for 40 years). Said that Springvale Steamers was really busy. Attended Victorian Interfaith Network annual meeting coming together in Springvale. It was 30 years since GD Interfaith established. Attended Victorian Afghan Football Academy dinner, their event brings 10,000 people from across Australia. Cr Dark asked whether CGD could give them some financial assistance. Attended sustainability awards night, companies using solar,

Cr Dark asked about Kennett St, Noble Park and a resident has requested some play equipment to be installed there. The officer replied that there are no plans at this stage. The officer said it would require a budget bid.

Cr Dark asked about capital bids in Paperbark ward. Cr Dark said that many projects are sitting in the design phase, and wanted to know when contracts or tenders would be brought in? The officer said that he can inform Cr Dark about the status of the individual projects.

Cr Dark asked about shopping trolleys. Cr Dark said that there seems to be a spike in dumped trolleys, people are chaining them together. Cr Dark asked whether council could impound the trolleys and then charge the supermarkets a fee to get the trolleys back. The officer said that shopping centres had been spoken to by

Cr Long said in Ecuador, you cannot physically take the shopping trolleys out of the supermarket.

Cr Dark said the Dandenong bypass, there are problems with people turning and it’s been on the Somerfield facebook page. The officer said he will take it on notice.

Mayor Cr Memeti

Attended SICMAA AGM, Be Ha president; congratulate staff re Alex Wilkie sustainability centre, the sun came out, staff were prepared. Cr Memeti said that Cr Brown was there. Cr Dark went to see the Springvale Steamers.

Cr Memeti attended Victorian Interfaith conference at Springvale City Hall.

Cr Memeti attended the screening in Harmony Square with Tariq Khan performing.

Cr Memeti attended the Afghan Football Association dinner. 34 teams, women’s teams, over 35s teams, over 5 days at Tatterson Park.

CGD Sustainability Award night. CGD is leading the way, thanked the staff.

Cr Memeti attended the 100 year anniversary of Dandenong High. Cleeland High and Doveton High merged. Good to have guest speaker, Taylor Jackson, Dandenong boy, Anne street, he saw school as a safe haven. Wanted to become prime minister. became a policeman. Dandenong High helped him to become a good person. Became state member for Bayswater. Cr Memeti said there were many, many stories like this stemming from the great environment at Dandenong High. In 2017 council funding a short film about the history of Dandenong High.

Springvale Historical Society – good bunch of people, work tirelessly, and they will be moving into the library, Very very passionate about history and the community. They were asking questions about their move.

Further information