History of the Springvale library

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Hi Heather,

I had been on the Dandenong Valley Regional Library Service for over 10 years and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Colin Watson was the Regional Librarian from its inception and Kevin Moody who resides in Berwick was the Foundation CEO ., The Region was from Springvale, Dandenong, Pakenham. Cranbourne, Berwick, Kooweerup, Lang Lang I wink it was 270 square miles at the time. Springvale was the first and then one by one the Branch Libraries broke and formed their own area according to their respective municipalities. A lot of travelling for Delegates and the Pan techs towing a gooseneck trailer packed to the walls with lending books.

I had the good fortune to be Mayor Springvale when Springvale founded the Springvale Library and Premier Dick Hamer and I jointly opened the Library in 72 Prior to me being elected to Council in 1960 I had been a member of the Springvale Library Action Committee which was established in about three years prior.

I liked Jan Bateman. I stood for the State seat of Dandenong and was beaten by Alan Lind by 600 votes. Bill Warner won in every polling booth except Doveton I think the electorate had about 400,000 odd voters.

Jan stood a couple of years later.

I had the good fortune to be mayor three times, so it was an exciting 20 years as a councillor.

I will send this one to a few people who had been my supporters over the years

Many thanks

Bill Warner

Photo celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Dandenong Valley Regional Library Service on July 1, 1981. It says you were Regional Chairman of the Library Board. That’s the late Jan Bateman, who was Mayor of the City of Berwick, with you.